We are very happy to hold the debate on the topic: "Collaborative work between designers and artisans from traditional communities: a debate on the appropriation of intangible heritage from the 2003 Unesco Convention."
Julio Sa Rego, from Rede dxs Doutorandxs in Anthropology, will be with us on Saturday the 18th! Thank you very much for your participation Julio! Julio Sá has been a consultant to Unesco and currently holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from ISCTE-IUL.
This is a debate we have been wanting to deepen for a long time!
Slow Innovation Brands argues that for fashion to be truly sustainable the production plan and eco-marketing must go beyond the environmental pillar with the choice of greener fibers. Also, the protection of intangible heritage and the recognition of the work of creation of artisans is essential for fashion to be sustainable also in the social pillar!
There are many cases of designers collaborating with artisans from traditional cultures and learning from them millennial techniques of sustainable production. However, not everyone gives the credits and recognize those who teach them these techniques.
We need to talk openly about it. This is a necessary debate! We are very happy to address this topic in our hackathon!
Join us! Visit here for registration!