Organic linen Europe

Environmental benefits of organic linen from Europe


Organic Linen Europe

Organic and conventional linen is one of the main materials used by the designers of our entrepreneurship and sustainable fashion production program, The Slow Fashion Innovation Program


That is why we are writing a series of articles on organic and conventional linen.


In today's article, we will talk about the environmental benefits of organic linen sourced in Europe. 


Check it out below!


Organic linen Europe


Organic linen sourced in Europe


As we mentioned in our previous articles, the sourcing of organic and conventional linen can be done entirely in Europe. From the seed to the fiber and threads that give rise to the fabrics and knits. You can find all you need in Europe!


Quote: The only plant textile fiber originating on the continent, European linen cultivation cannot be relocated, its excellence is thanks to a unique combination: a natural, damp ocean climate, flax’s low thermal density, a rich soil, and the experience of flax growers. (European Flax)


In our database, we have several certified suppliers of organic linen produced in Europe.


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Europe offers the ideal conditions for the cultivation of flax. Here you can find farmers and linen manufacturers who have worked in the industry for decades!

 Organic Linen Europe

The value of organic and conventional linen cultivation in Europe


We would not be able to find this vast supply of linen in Europe if it were not for the artisanal work of everyone involved in the cultivation and transformation of plant linen into a fiber.


From plant to finished fabrics, all stages of production and transformation are represented and different professions in the industry work together from growers and scutchers to spinners, weavers, knitters, finishers, and traders. (European Flax)


Organic linen is not easy to grow, neither conventional linen is. 


Do you want to know more about the cultivation of organic and conventional flax in Europe? Check out our article: Linen fiber supply in Europe


Linen is hard to weave. Linen fiber is inelastic and breaks easily in the production process. This is the main reason why its cost of production is higher than most of the fabrics, such as cotton. But the environmental benefits of organic and conventional linen produced in Europe are worth the investment. When you buy European produced linen you are contributing to an entire ecosystem of local farming and manufacturing.


Farmers who cultivate flax in Europe have extensive know-how without which the success of organic linen supply would not be possible. It takes a lot of time, calm, and attention to monitor the growth and evolution of the flax planted and adapt to different climatic conditions during the year. The success of the harvest depends on the traditional knowledge of the farmers. Just as the successful transformation of linen into fiber and fabric depends on the knowledge of those involved in the other stages of production.


Organic linen Europe


Below is a summary of the main environmental benefits of organic and conventional linen sourcing in Europe.


The following data were extracted mainly from the platform The European Confederation of Flax and Hemp (CELC). CELC is a European agro-industrial organization federating all the stages of linen and hemp production and transformation.


  • Lower carbon emissions: 1 hectare of flax retains 3,7 tons of CO2 per year (average calculated over the 2004/2011 seasons in FR, BE & NL – Source C.I.P.A.LIN, A.B.V, and C.V);
  • Flax naturally produces optimal soil quality, increasing returns on the following crops and renewing in rotation every 6 to 7 years;
  • Mechanical activities are a part of each operation in its transformation – scutching, combing, spinning, weaving (
  • Linen helps maintain economic and social work in rural zones. Its growth and transformation require a large, qualified, local workforce (European Flax)
  • The Linen industry is committed to respecting the laws of the International Labor Office.
  • Flax cultivation has positive effects on eco-system diversity and offers a welcome environmental pause for soil quality, biodiversity, and landscapes » (Source: Advisory Commission Report to the European Parliament, Brussels, May 20, 2008).
  • Flax needs 0 irrigation (rainwater is enough to grow it) and very little input (fertilizer and phytosanitary)(European Flax).
  • Flax is also grown on converted organic farms. Its culture is certified without synthetic products. In the organic growing fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and regulators are prohibited. This ensures the absence of residues of these products in the fiber and the soil after harvesting (European Flax).
  • Today, nearly 200 acres of organic flax is grown in France. International certifications ensure the traceability of fibers from organic flax cultivation to the final consumer(European Flax).
  • Flax production saves a lot: 342.000 t of CO₂ greenhouse gas emissions avoided; 38.000 t of petrol equivalents economized; 650.000 millions cubic meters of water would be consumed (European Flax);


These are just some of the benefits of organic and conventional linen sourced in Europe. To find organic linen suppliers check your member are at The Slow Fashion Innovation Program. Are you not a member yet? Apply now!

Organic linen Europe


If you would like to contact our organic linen suppliers in Europe and receive samples of this wonderful sustainable fiber please contact us via e-mail 


If you are looking for assistance to develop your sustainable collection complete our survey for potential new customers. At The Slow Fashion Innovation Program, we assist you with product development, sustainable fabric sourcing, pattern making, prototyping, production, eco-marketing, and sales strategy. Describe your project and the help you need and we will contact you!


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