Funds, Scholarships, and Internships: National and International Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Workshop Structure:

Module 1: Introduction to Funding for Entrepreneurship

  • Understanding the importance of funding for startups and entrepreneurial ventures
  • Types of funding sources (e.g., grants, loans, venture capital)
  • Identifying national and international funding opportunities

Module 2: National Funding Opportunities

  • Overview of funding programs offered by governmental and non-governmental organizations in Portugal
  • Application process and requirements for national funding
  • Case studies of successful funding applications

Module 3: International Funding Opportunities

  • Exploring funding opportunities from international organizations and institutions
  • Understanding the eligibility criteria for international funding
  • Strategies for navigating cultural and regulatory differences in international funding applications

Module 4: Scholarships for Entrepreneurial Development

  • Overview of scholarship programs for young entrepreneurs
  • Identifying scholarship opportunities for education, training, and research
  • Tips for writing compelling scholarship applications

Module 5: Internship Programs for Entrepreneurs

  • Importance of internships in entrepreneurial development
  • Exploring internship programs offered by startups, corporations, and accelerators
  • How to leverage internships for networking and skill development

Module 6: Application Workshop and Case Studies

  • Practical workshop on preparing funding, scholarship, and internship applications
  • Analysis of real-life case studies of successful applications
  • Peer review and feedback sessions to improve application skills

Module 7: Guest Lectures and Panel Discussions

  • Inviting guest speakers from funding agencies, scholarship foundations, and successful entrepreneurs
  • Panel discussions on current trends and challenges in accessing funding, scholarships, and internships

Module 8: Final Project and Presentation

  • Students will work on a final project applying for a funding opportunity, scholarship, or internship program
  • Presentation of final projects to the class, followed by feedback and discussion


There are no specific prerequisites for this workshop but students with a background or interest in sustainable products, entrepreneurship, business, or innovation may benefit the most.


By the end of this workshop, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the funding, scholarship, and internship landscape for young entrepreneurs, both Portuguese and European. They will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to identify, apply for, and secure these opportunities to support their entrepreneurial ventures. 



May 15 and 17, from 7pm to 9pm Online through our platform.

If you can't participate on the live sessions you can access the recorded classes that would remain available for 30 days after the dates of the workshop. 

A compact version of this course will also be given at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa on May 20, from 6pm to 9pm. All the online participants are welcome to participate in the in-person sessions without extra costs. Registration is required to reserve your spot. Write to


This workshop is free for all members of our platform. Registration here.

Individual registration for the workshop for non-members costs 50 Euros. 20% discount for the first 05 registrants and must be made via PayPay at this link. After registration, please send an e-mail to with the recipe of your paypal payment, your full name and the course that you registred.